Quotes From "Sunstone/Piedra De Sol" By Octavio Paz

Because two bodies, naked and entwined, leap over time, they are invulnerable, nothing can touch them, they return to the source, there is no you, no I, no tomorrow, no yesterday, no names, the truth of twoin a single body, a single soul, oh total being... Octavio Paz
Life is other, always there, further off, beyond you andbeyond me, always on the horizon, life which unlives us and makes us strangers, that invents our face and wears it away Octavio Paz
Better the crime, the suicides of lovers, the incest committedby brother and sister like two mirrorsin love with their likeness, better to eatthe poisoned bread, adultery on a bedof ashes, ferocious love, the poisonousvines of delirium, the sodomite who wearsa gob of spit for a rose in his lapel, better to be stoned in the plaza than to turnthe mill that squeezes out the juice of life, that turns eternity into empty hours, minutes into prisons, and time intocopper coins and abstract shit . Octavio Paz